
Editorial: Let’s be creative in spending Douglas County’s federal pandemic funds

It has been said that orange construction cones are a sign of progress. If so, downtown Lawrence is going through a lot of progress right now. If you haven’t been to downtown for a couple of weeks, you likely haven’t seen Massachusetts Street lined with the cones. It is one of the end ...

Views from Kansas: Chamber PAC’s poor choices

Editor’s Note: Views from Kansas is a regular feature that highlights editorials and other viewpoints from across the state. This week begins a monthlong blitz of television ads, radio spots, postcards and digital posts designed to sway your vote, and many of those ads will be funded ...

Editorial: Mask wearing and America’s terrible birthday party

Hopefully you haven’t become confused and placed your political yard sign on your face and your face mask in your yard. It seems to be an easy mistake to make these days. Come to find out, they really aren’t the same thing. Even people who like the president are stating plainly that ...

Editorial: Let’s spend more money on virus testing in Douglas County

There are a lot of mixed messages nationally on the subject of COVID-19 testing. On one hand, you have the country’s “testing czar” and other top health officials telling Congress last week that testing is the key to battling the disease and that we need to test as many people as ...

Views from Kansas: Make a holiday of Election Day

Editor’s Note: Views from Kansas is a regular feature that highlights editorials and other viewpoints from across the state. Coaches at the University of Kansas and Kansas State University have signed statements declaring Election Day a mandatory day off for athletes, ensuring no practice or ...

Editorial: A great victory for gay rights and a possible path forward

Lawrence got confirmation last week that it has been living on the right side of history — again. The U.S. Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision ruled that people can’t face discrimination based on their sexual orientation. It did so 25 years after Lawrence city leaders already had made that ...