Letter to the editor: Diversity is important

To the editor:

I had the pleasure of attending the KU Center For East Asian Studies Lunar New Year celebration recently at Memorial Union. Hundreds of people of all ages turned out for a wonderful evening of free food to sample, children’s activities, bingo and music and dance performances.

For the first time, I listened to a beautiful instrument called the “koto,” watched K-pop dancers and enjoyed “Rakugo,” a Japanese verbal comedy. The KU Lion Dance performance was thrilling! The three colorful “lions” danced and interacted with the crowd with whoops and hollers and smiling faces all around! What a beautiful night celebrating diverse cultures!

Diversity, the practice of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds, was celebrated with good will among the people in attendance.

We are strengthened and enriched through the celebration of diverse cultures, which makes up the unique fabric of our country, a country of immigrants. Let’s continue to share and celebrate our diversity and make our country a place where all are welcome and treated equally.

Kelly Wall,
