Letter to the editor: Live within our means

To the editor:

I read the “Your Turn” by a retired Douglas County commercial real estate broker and clapped enthusiastically. Well said!

It’s not only the city but the county as well that “…needs to live like the rest of us — within its means.” We trust these elected officials and public servants to be prudent and responsible with our tax dollars, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Despite opposition, county commissioners and administration are steaming ahead with the road to nowhere (aka the Wakarusa extension). Ditto a new multimillion-dollar judicial center.

For what we pay in real estate taxes, one would think our public servants and elected officials would be more willing to budget wisely and stop with foolish, expensive projects. Instead, taxpayers are faced yearly with increases that are rapidly becoming an encumbrance.

So yes, I’m clapping enthusiastically to halt the wasteful spending. I’m clapping enthusiastically to rein in the overtaxation to fund projects that we, the taxpayers, have opposed.

Finally, I’m clapping because there’s always an election at some point that will remedy woefully misguided elected officials decisions who don’t listen.


Cynthia Wamboldt,
