Letter to the editor: No insurance option

To the editor:

My spouse and I received a letter announcing that LMH Health intends to terminate Humana, our health insurance coverage. I worked for over 40 years, for a large, multinational corporation based in Chicago. I am now retired, and we chose to make Lawrence our retirement home with one of the top reasons being the availability of quality health care through “LMH Health, a partner for lifelong health”.

LMH and its affiliated doctors have provided our health care for the past two decades. Since we have no control over our health care insurance as a retiree of my company, this is obviously a stressful situation for a couple of octogenarians as we begin searching for alternatives to our LMH Health services. We have hoped that LMH would consider situations like ours and make exceptions for those unable to move to a different insurer.

Vaun Kampschroeder,
