Letter to the editor: Go back to that? No thank you

To the editor:

Recently I was driving in rural Missouri when I saw a number of yard signs for Donald Trump promising to “Take America Back.” This got me to thinking; back to what exactly?

Back to 2020, when America was ravaged by COVID? Back to the 1950s, when white men ran things and everyone else knew their place? Back to when the interest rate and the unemployment rate were much greater than they are now, or the stock market was much lower? Back to when the murder rate was significantly higher than it is now? Back to when our air and water were dirtier and less healthy because of fossil fuel use? Back to when many people had to conceal who they really were?

Then it occurred to me – maybe the signs weren’t talking about taking America back to a certain time, but instead taking it back from certain people. The people who look different than we do or who don’t really belong here or who read the wrong books or worship the wrong God or have inappropriate lifestyles. You know, “those” people. Yes, that must be it.

Well, all I can say to that is “been there, seen that.” Once was enough, thank you very much. America can’t afford to go back.

Jeff Southard,
