Letter to the editor: What equity really means

To the editor:

I would like to comment on the article about the KU instructor who made a comment about shooting men because they wouldn’t vote for a woman. He was wrong; men will vote for a woman if she is qualified. I personally think he was trying to be funny, but in this environment you can’t joke about shootings. If you heard the recording, he knew he was wrong and he immediately regretted making that statement.

What everyone seems to be missing is, what was he doing talking politics in a college class of Health, Sports and Exercise Science? Everyone knows teachers at KU are overwhelmingly progressive, and I would guess many of them feel free to share their political views with their students. An activist university teacher can persuade gullible young adults quite easily. Many grad students do much of the teaching at KU. If I remember correctly, the grad student’s union sent a letter to this paper supporting the Palestinians and denouncing Israelis after Israel was attacked. I would not like my grandkids to be taught by those grad students.

Many progressives want equity. Well, I do too. I want all public institutions of higher learning in Kansas to have staff and professors to be hired for their political beliefs first and then for their qualifications. Let’s have half progressive and half conservative employees. I pay taxes to support these institutions and I demand equity!

Clarice Dengel,
