Letter to the editor: Your vote matters so much

To the editor:

I cringe when someone tells me they won’t vote in this election. That decision not only gives up your voting right, it could do harm to family, friends and neighbors. Even if you don’t feel a need to vote, your vote could benefit others.

Your vote will help preserve health care decisions for women in your family or neighborhood, so they make their decisions with their doctors, not politicians. Your vote will help preserve rights of the handicapped, LGBTQ, people of color and immigrants. Your vote will help strengthen and preserve voting rights for everyone and remove weapons of war from our society.

Your vote will help remove politicians who are more interested in their own self-interest and those of rich businesses than the interests of all people. We must give decision-making back to the people. Your vote will help make taxes fair for all, with everyone paying their fair share. Our country’s relationships around the world and with NATO will be strengthened with your vote, along with the defenses the world needs against authoritarian countries.

You may think your vote doesn’t matter, but it will help many people. So, if you’re considering sitting this one out, consider this. Your vote is not just for one person as a president. Your vote is for the policies and progress that candidates and his parties can deliver. Vote for your family, your friends, your neighbors. Do something positive by voting for good policy. Don’t sit this one out. Vote for others. VOTE!

Charley Crabtree,



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