Letter to the editor: Action on homelessness

To the editor:

The recent stabbing of Crystal White proves, once again, that our unhoused neighbors cannot be kept safe from harm or held accountable for their living conditions at the unsanctioned camp by the river (which has far more people than the sanctioned camp!). They cannot continue to be allowed to clump together and create their own lawless cities.

If the unsanctioned camps were removed and then prevented from returning en masse, it might encourage these folks to seek a sanctioned camp or to move along. I understand that many would not qualify due to drugs, alcohol or pets, but that’s a problem still to be solved. It’s also very disheartening to see the Pallet Village with absolutely no one able to stay there due to lack of staffing. So many of your constituents are at such a loss about what can be done. It’s past time to see some action taken for all Lawrencians, including those who are unhoused! Sincerely,

Sharon Clark,



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