Has the economic downturn had any effect on your overall mood?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on October 16, 2008

“It's definitely made me take another look at my portfolio to make sure it's a little more conservative. I wouldn't go as far as to say it's made me depressed, but I'm very concerned.”

“I try not to think about it, because what am I going to do? Yesterday I was looking at how much our retirement fund has dropped, but it doesn't do me any good to worry about that. I think I just have to keep living and try to be happy with what I have.”

“Well, I'm not from this country, but it's made me feel like if the U.S. can fall economically, then it begs the question what country can't fall. It's really made me aware of how fragile everything is.”

“I would say no, but then again I've made it a point not to look at my mutual fund statement. It came in the mail, and I just filed it away.”