Wichita — Transgender students are more likely to experience bullying and to skip school because they feel unsafe, according to the first attempt to gather national data on trans teens.
The 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey marks the first time the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and ...
TOPEKA — Turnover on the Kansas Board of Education after the November election could tip the board’s balance of power in favor of conservative members.
Half of the board’s 10 seats are up for election. Republicans currently outnumber Democrats seven to three, but some moderate board ...
Lawrence school board members will soon receive an equity report outlining the district's goals to improve student learning across various subjects, along with initiatives to improve attendance and reduce behavioral issues.
On Monday, board members will hear the fall report from leaders in the ...
The Lawrence school district is looking for public input on proposed changes aimed at addressing enrollment imbalances between its two high schools, one of which currently has 350 more students than the other.
Since Lawrence became a two-high-school town in the 1990s, 15th Street/Bob Billings ...
As Douglas County voters go to the polls to cast ballots for everything from president to county commissioners, they'll also be asked to elect leaders to the state's top policy-making board for public education.
Voters in the Lawrence, Baldwin City, Eudora and Perry-Lecompton school districts ...
An advisory group created by Kansas education leaders is recommending that schools ban cellphones for students at every grade level.
A majority of the 36-member Blue Ribbon Task Force on Student Screen Time voted to recommend that districts prohibit students from using cellphones for the ...