Education activist ChrisTopher Niles Enneking has become the first candidate to file for the Lawrence school board's 2025 election.
Enneking told the Journal-World via email that, if elected, job one would be to rebuild this community’s faith in the school district. He said that in the six ...
With a new artificial intelligence program being developed by University of Kansas researchers, teachers will be able to help students with disabilities improve their writing skills.
Students across the country are struggling to meet writing benchmarks, and writing is crucial for student ...
Updated at 3:44 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28
The assistant principal and athletic director of Billy Mills Middle School has been selected to be the principal of Quail Run Elementary.
Sara Murray will be replacing Cynthia Emery, a former Quail Run learning coach, who was serving as the school’s ...
Free State High School Assistant Principal Tina Mitchell has been selected as director of equity and student and family engagement for the Lawrence school district.
Mitchell is currently completing her 14th year at Free State, three as assistant principal and eleven as a school counselor. ...
The Lawrence school district celebrated the hiring of Interim Superintendent Jeanice Swift to take on the permanent role, and for Swift, she’s grateful to the community for their conversations with her thus far.
“I’m really grateful to the community for engaging … I wouldn’t have ...
Lawrence school board members will be reviewing enrollment and class sizes for the 2024-2025 school year to guide ongoing equity efforts and district planning.
At Monday's board meeting, Lawrence school district staff will share a comprehensive review of district enrollment and class sizes for ...