Topeka man in Lawrence driver’s truck dies in Jefferson County accident

A Topeka man was killed in a one-vehicle accident late Friday in Jefferson County.

According to a Kansas Highway Patrol online crash report, the accident occurred at 10:35 p.m. Friday on Kansas Highway 237 about 3 miles north of U.S. Highway 24.

The report states that Morgan M. Kabler, 21, of Lawrence, overcorrected the southbound 1998 Chevrolet pickup she was driving after the vehicle’s right wheels dropped off the roadway, causing the pickup to overturn before it came to a rest in the northbound ditch. A passenger in the vehicle, Robert W. Ellis, 66, of Topeka, was pronounced dead at the scene. Kabler was taken to Stormont Vail hospital in Topeka for treatment of suspected minor injuries. Neither Kabler nor Ellis was wearing a seat belt, according to the accident report.