KU law school team wins fifth consecutive title in moot court competition

photo by: University of Kansas
Alex Nelson and Ashley MacDonald of KU's Moot Court Law Program are pictured.
A University of Kansas team recently brought home its fifth straight national championship.
A team of KU law students last month won the title at the National Native American Law Student Association Moot Court Competition, KU announced this week.
The team of Ashley MacDonald and Alex Nelson beat 59 other teams in the competition that simulates a legal proceeding where lawyers make oral arguments in front of an appeals court. The competition involves teams making arguments to a panel of judges who ask participants questions and assess the quality of their legal reasoning, oral presentation and knowledge of the case.
MacDonald and Nelson became the fifth consecutive KU team to win first place at the competition, which this year was hosted at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas school of law.
KU’s team is coached by a pair of full-time lawyers — Nancy Musick and Sarah Otto, who once were members of KU’s moot court team.
KU’s Moot Court Program participates in tournaments across the country, and consistently ranks in the top 30 programs in the country, KU said in a release.