Reminder: Lawrence’s free Community Christmas Dinner is Wednesday

photo by: Mike Yoder/Journal-World
From left John Barbee, his sister Sanders Barbee and Sanders' husband Jalen Williams, volunteer as ‘runners’ delivering take-out meals to cars to distribute in the community. The trio were working at the Community Christmas Dinner, Monday Dec. 25, 2023 at First United Methodist Church, 946 Vermont St.
Lawrence’s annual Community Christmas Dinner will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday at First United Methodist Church, 946 Vermont St.
Pies and turkey and all the usual trimmings will be served. If you have a pie of any sort to donate, you can bring it to First United Methodist Church any time after 6 a.m. Wednesday.
Meals will be delivered as usual. Anyone who did not preorder a meal can request delivery by calling 785-841-1516 after 6 a.m. on Christmas Day.
Monetary contributions are gratefully accepted, organizers said. To donate, send a check to First United Methodist Church, 946 Vermont St., Lawrence KS 66044. The check should be made out to First United Methodist Church with Christmas Dinner in the memo line. An electronic option is also available on the FUMC website,