Baker University adjusting class schedules as virus concerns mount

photo by: Journal-World File Photo

This aerial file photograph from October 2015 shows the Baker University campus in Baldwin City.

Baldwin City-based Baker University is now among the universities changing class schedules in response to coronavirus concerns.

Baker already was scheduled to be on spring break from March 16 to March 20. But instead of resuming normal classes after spring break, the university will teach classes online from March 23 to April 3. On-campus housing will be closed during that period.

Baker spokeswoman Dolores Kitchin said the university planned to reopen student housing at noon on April 5. Regular in-person classes are scheduled to resume on April 6, although the university will continue to monitor developments in the virus’ spread, she said.

Kitchin said all student events and athletic activities, including practices, would be canceled until April 5.

The schedule currently only applies to Baker’s Baldwin City campus. The university is still working on details for its Overland Park campus, which primarily serves graduate students and working professionals, and the university’s school of nursing in Topeka. Kitchin said details on schedules for those two campuses would be released soon.

Baker has 859 students on it Baldwin City campus and just over 1,200 on its Overland Park campus and another 231 at its school of nursing.

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