You know you should develop a regular exercise routine, but you lack motivation. Promises to yourself are quickly broken, and you never establish enough of the workout habit to experience any rewards.
Exercising as you age is important. It’s not only good for physical health to help prevent ...
To make biking more accessible in the community, the city of Lawrence is making changes to its Bikes Plan and creating opportunities for biking infrastructure and policies.
The Lawrence Bikes Plan – which was created in 2019 – is intended to be a roadmap for the city to create a safe, ...
Rex Ellebracht has been doing social work across Kansas for nearly 30 years by his own estimate, but it became even more personal for him after he lost a leg.
Ellebracht has diabetes, and around 10 or 12 years ago when he was facing complications from the disease, the doctors — after ...
If you see the snowy white head of a bald eagle soaring over the Kansas River, you are looking at an elite survivor, or nature’s equivalent of an Olympic athlete, as eagle expert Scott Mehus puts it.
That’s because bald eagles don’t get their signature white plumage until they’re 5 or ...
Some were despondent, some were defiant, and some were determined to persevere. But there was one thing all of the students and staff from Haskell Indian Nations University who gathered on Friday night felt: a sense of family.
And "our family took a very hard hit last Friday,” Dan Wildcat, ...
Lawrence school board members will be reviewing enrollment and class sizes for the 2024-2025 school year to guide ongoing equity efforts and district planning.
At Monday's board meeting, Lawrence school district staff will share a comprehensive review of district enrollment and class sizes for ...