City staff seeking public input to update Lawrence Bike Plan

photo by: Bremen Keasey/Journal-World
A bike route sign on Massachusetts Street is pictured near the intersection of 21st Street.
The City of Lawrence is offering multiple opportunities for public input on updating the city’s bike plan.
The Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization is inviting the public to an open house on from 5 to 7 p.m. on April 9 at the Lawrence Public Library Auditorium, 707 Vermont St., at which feedback to the Lawrence Bike Plan will be welcomed.
The plan, originating in 2019, has helped create a variety of infrastructure improvements for a safer, more comfortable and more accessible cycling environment in the city. In November, the Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board approved a steering committee to update the plan, as the Journal-World reported. This update aims to refine existing infrastructure plans and set the course for continued improvements.
Plans to add in more bike infrastructure have recently been approved by the city. One such project was a road redesign along Ninth Street between Illinois Street to Vermont Street that would reduce the number of vehicle lanes from four to three and would include bike lanes on each side until Kentucky Street. The redesign, approved by the City Commission in October as the Journal-World reported, includes physical “zebra” dividers separating the bike lanes from cars.
Along with the open house on April 9, the MPO will be represented at a variety of local events, including:
• The East Lawrence Neighborhood Association Art Sale on March 29 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 936 New York St.
• Trails That Connect Us on April 24 from 5 to 8 p.m. at 1927 Moodie Road.
• The Lawrence Farmers’ Market on April 26 from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. at 824 New Hampshire St.
The MPO also has an online survey on its website. It will be available to take until May 4.