Have an idea for improving Lawrence? The city is requesting public submissions for the 2026-2030 Capital Improvement Plan

photo by: Chad Lawhorn/Journal-World
Lawrence City Hall is pictured on Oct. 11, 2024.
The City of Lawrence is requesting that members of the public submit ideas for improvement projects as the city begins work on its 2026-2030 Capital Improvement Plan.
The city works each year to prepare a five-year improvement plan for infrastructure-related projects that have an estimated cost of $100,000 or more. Those projects can include repairs or improvements to existing infrastructure, like streets, parks or city facilities; or the acquisition or construction of new infrastructure, like new traffic signals, fire stations or roundabouts.
Residents can submit a request for either specific projects with a life expectancy of more than two years or projects that will be funded through the creation of benefit districts that will involve city participation.
The submission deadline is 5 p.m. on Feb. 21. Materials can be submitted electronically through the website or completed in person with the Finance Department at City Hall, 6 East Sixth St.