100 years ago: Fire chief recommends discarding horse-drawn apparatus, buying new equipment
From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 30, 1916:
- “In order to put the city of Lawrence where it ought to be in the matter of fire protection, Fire Chief Reinisch includes in his annual recommendation to the city commission a budget based on a full paid department, the discarding of horse-drawn apparatus, and the installation of additional new and modern equipment…. The purpose of the increase in the fire budget is to meet the need for better protection in Lawrence. Even if the city takes over the water plant and furnishes adequate pressure, a pump would act as a factor of safety in case pressure should fail or a bad break should occur. The fire chief has estimated that the loss at the canning factory could have been limited to $500, if pressure enough had been provided…. City Commissioner Holyfield said today that he would be very glad to have a public expression of opinion regarding the improvement of the fire department. The matter is a live one now, as the commission has begun to round the city budget into shape for the coming year.”
- “The Western Union Telegraph company announces that until further notice it will make telegraphic transfers of money to members of the National Guard who have been mustered into the federal service at the Mexican border at one-half the usual charge for such service. It is understood that in their hurried departure many of the guardsmen failed to reckon on the high cost at the border of some of the conveniences and comforts which are not included in the provision which Uncle Sam makes for his soldiers, and their relatives and friends doubtless will be interested to learn of this arrangement whereby much appreciated funds can be quickly transferred by telegraph at a low cost. Messages of affection and cheer may be incorporated in the transfers at a small added charge for the extra words involved.”
- “The Safety First train which will come to Lawrence Monday afternoon is attracting large crowds at every stop it is making in Kansas and is becoming known as one of the best attractions ever sent out by the government. In Chanute at the early part of the week, 4,425 persons went through the train in spite of the heat. A continual line of persons entered the cars and when the exhibit closed at 9 o’clock the line of persons waiting to get on the train extended 100 yards…. The object of the free exhibition is to acquaint the people with the full meaning of Safety First and show them how it is applied in all departments of the government…. It is a free educational feature and the people of Lawrence can little afford to miss it.”
- “A. S. Notestine had 500 tomato plants on 3,100 square feet at his home in the west part of town. The tomato patch was about three-fifths of a regular city lot and from this $110 worth of tomatoes were sold. Mr. Notestine brought the first tomatoes of the season to the market a few weeks ago.”
- “The directory department of the Bell Telephone company in Lawrence is now at work preparing the data for the August directory, and anyone expecting to put in another phone should get it listed now. The work as usual will be done in the Journal-World job rooms which insures good work. Four thousand copies will be printed.”
- “The county treasurer is trying to figure out the cause of the large supply of silver dollars in his office. Ordinarily he has a hard time keeping enough silver on hand to make change but of late almost all the taxes are being paid in silver dollars. Formerly they have been paid in paper money or by check. This morning one man paid his taxes with eighteen silver dollars. So far, no explanation of the increased use of silver money has been offered.”