100 years ago: Firefighters continue to battle lingering blaze at canning factory
From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 29, 1916:
“After fighting fire at the canning factory all day yesterday, the fire department took up their hose and returned to the station about midnight with the fire apparently out. At three o’clock a call was sent in and the blaze was raging at a good rate when they reached the scene. However, nothing was in danger at that time as the fire was restricted to the smoldering ruins of the factory. The firemen remained on the scene until morning, when a line of hose was left with the factory employees and the firemen were allowed to get their first rest in some little time. It is estimated that the fire will be smoldering in the bottom of the stacks of canned goods for a few days yet. The work of clearing up will begin as soon as the adjusters have inspected the ruins and made their report. No definite decision has been made, but it is possible that the building will be replaced.”
“A farm house, nine miles north of town, owned by Mrs. Julia Fullerton, was destroyed by fire today. The cause of the blaze is unknown. The fire had a good start when it was discovered, and the house burned to the ground. The furniture was saved. The house was worth between $1500 and $2000. The insurance, amounting to $700, was carried by Charlton & Melton, who expect to adjust the loss Monday. The house was occupied by G. C. Wickersham.”
“The police of the city are beginning an active course of operations to make traffic on the streets of Lawrence safer at night. Their immediate object is to enforce the regulations in regard to the use of bright lights on automobiles. According to the rules, when an automobile meets another vehicle, it should dim its lights. Otherwise, the driver is blinded for the time being, and a serious accident is liable to occur. No lights are required in the white way section of Massachusetts street. Drivers in Lawrence have spoken of several accidents that have been narrowly averted here recently, and the need of observance of the letter of the law has become imperative.”
“The wish of the people, as expressed by petition, for the enforcement of the purse milk ordinance, is going to be granted by the City Commissioners and already an order has been placed for a roadster for Commissioner Holyfield’s use in inspecting dairies. The commission so far has been handicapped in the matter by lack of funds, but in the budget for next year, the cost of milk inspection will be included and Lawrence may count upon getting as pure a supply of milk as can be obtained anywhere.”
“It is no small job to sort out 42,000 ballots to be used in the coming election. The law provides that four times as many ballots shall be printed as there were votes cast for any one candidate at the last election and this gives Douglas county this enormous number on hand. County Clerk Herman Broeker has sorted the ballots and has a collection of ballots, pencils, pens, envelopes and other paraphernalia set aside for use in every polling place in the county.”
“The sheriff fight in Douglas county is causing quite a little comment for five men are after the position. But that it nothing compared with Franklin county were seventeen seek the office of sheriff.”
“The Grant township C. P. A. picnic will be held Monday on the Robinson Estate, one mile and a half north of the Dicker store. The afternoon and evening will be spent in various ways. The main one will be listening to the campaign speeches of various candidates who will be given their last chance to be heard before the Tuesday primary. A big basket dinner will be served and everyone is welcome.”