100 years ago: North Lawrence residents worry that proposed new bridge not high enough
From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 12, 1915:
- “The Engineering Corps of the War Department is again going to pass upon the plans for the new bridge across the Kaw in Lawrence. The plans have already been approved by the department, but some of the residents north of town who are afraid the bridge would not have a sufficient water way worked through Congressman Taggart to get the matter reopened…. Quite a delegation will go down expecting to show the engineers that an abundance of water way has been provided for under the new plans. It is said that the water way is 115 feet longer than at present…. There is no desire not to give plenty of water way, but the danger is that the bridge may be delayed for a year or two should the Engineering Corps of the War Department deem it necessary to make further examination.”
- “Charles Thudium has purchased of the Fred Deichman estate, represented by Fred Deichman and his two sisters of Kansas City, the brick building and lot at the Southeast corner of the intersection of Eighth and Massachusetts, for the past eleven years occupied by the Kaw Kash Klothing Kompany. The purchase does not affect the tenantcy of the property, which will continue to be occupied by the clothiers. Mr. Thudium paid $8,500 for the lot and building, which occupy one of the best business sites in the city. The building is old, having been erected more than fifty years, but it is substantial and will be serviceable for many years to come. Ground and building are 100×25 feet in area. The elder Deichman occupied the first floor for twenty-five years it is stated, with a meat market, relinquishing occupancy in 1890 when Mr. Thudium the new owner, opened a meat market therein and continued in business there two years.”
- “Pete Lambrosopoulos isn’t going back to Greece and he wants everybody in Lawrence to distinctly understand it. Pete’s American friends have been circulating false reports about him, he claims, and he wants it stopped. ‘Why,’ says Pete, ‘anybody who travels on the ocean now is one fool. Those Germans, they would send you to the bottom sure. That’s right, they don’t care whether they blow you up or shoot you, just so they kill you dead, and me, I wouldn’t go on the water at all, no siree.’ Lambrosopoulos says that little old Colorado and the mountains will be good enough for him when he takes his vacation this year and mountain climbing is a lot safer than boat riding when the submarines are just hunting around for perfectly innocent passenger ships to torpedo. Mr. Lambrosopoulos is a soda water dispenser and is employed at the Busy Bee candy kitchen.”
- “Otto Barteldes won the first flight of the first annual handicap golf tournament at the Country Club by defeating Dr. H. T. Jones 2 up and 1 to play. Both players were scratch men and the finals were very close. Dr. Jones, who had offered a trophy for the winner of the tournament, put up a game fight and the match was not won until the seventeenth hole…. The handicap tournament has aroused great interest and all the golf enthusiasts are looking forward to the first annual championship tournament which will be played this fall.”
- “Willis Dungan has gone to St. Louis expecting to work at blacksmithing there. Mr. Dungan was unfortunate when he came to Lawrence six months ago in being incapacitated from work by falling from a roof he was painting. The accident disabled him from manual labor until recently.”