100 years ago: Golden Belt auto route very muddy through Lawrence
From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 10, 1915:
- “Many automobile travelers and owners of cars here are complaining of the poor method of doing the grading on the Golden Belt route from here to Eudora. There is also a bad mudhole on the California road a few miles out. One man complains that the other day he went to Eudora in his car and that it took him two hours to make the trip, all because the grading was being done so slowly. It is said by garage men that many motorists are passing through Baldwin toward the south instead of passing over the Golden Belt Route and unless the county and township authorities are more careful Lawrence is liable to be left off the route next year.”
- “Superintendent Hawley has been busy all this week grading the papers of the seventy-five teaching aspirants who took the county examination at the high school building over a week ago, and will not have the task completed for several days yet. ‘When one remembers that several of the students took examinations in as many as fifteen subjects,’ said Mr. Hawley this morning, ‘it can be appreciated what kind of a job I have on my hands.’ The work is not far enough advanced, Mr. Hawley says, to tell how the percentage of failures and passing grades will come out, but is safe to say that there will not be a great deal of variation from the usual ratio.”
- “Frank Grover, who lives about two miles southwest of Lawrence, sold a big load of grass fattened steers in Kansas City recently. While Mr. Grover will not say just what they brought him, he does not deny that the price was satisfactory. Fancy cattle are selling for higher prices in Kansas City markets than they have had for several years.”
- “The board of directors of the Douglas County Fair met last night and pushed through quite a lot of business. They are setting to work in earnest to pull off the most interesting fair in the way of races that has been held in Lawrence since the days of the old Bismarck Fair. Over fifty horses have already been entered for the races for which the entries closed the first of July.”
- “Wichita, Kan. – Three wagon loads of beer and whisky confiscated by the Wichita police in the last three years were taken to the Arkansas river and dumped into the stream. This morning the mayor started three policemen to work pouring the beer and whisky into a bathtub. Women prisoners complained of the fumes and the contraband was loaded into vans. Harry Dedrick, police judge, supervised the destruction of the liquor.”