KU launches monthlong campuswide food drive

Kansas University will host Hunger Awareness Month throughout October to battle hunger in Douglas County.

In addition to several planned events, a campuswide food drive will continue throughout the month to collect food items that will be given to Just Food and 30 of its partner agencies. A map of the food drop locations across campus can be found at http://sustain.ku.edu/hunger.

Other events include:

• A showing of “American Winter,” a documentary that follows the lives of families struggling with poverty in the U.S., at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Alderson Auditorium inside the Kansas Union.

• Tanya Fields, a food justice activist from New York, will speak at 7 p.m. Oct. 16 at the Dole Institute of Politics.

• The KU Hunger Summit, from 9 a.m. to noon Oct. 17 in the Commons at Spooner Hall, is a gathering of staff and community members to discuss opportunities for KU to address hunger and its causes. Fields will also deliver a keynote speech.