100 years ago: Veterans to have special program on Lincoln’s birthday

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Feb. 9, 1914:

  • “Lincoln’s Birthday, Thursday, February 12, will be observed as usual by the Grand Army Post. A program has been prepared for the occasion which will be another of the gatherings that mean so much to these old veterans. A G. A. R. program is always interesting and entertaining and the post has issued a general invitation to all to attend this gathering…. Lincoln’s birthday is to be a holiday for the rural mail carriers. No deliveries are to be made on this day in the country. The usual city service will be given.”
  • “According to a decision of the Kentucky Court of Appeals it may be that there is cause for action in the city of Lawrence by property owners who have lost by fires. The Lawrence Water Company may be liable for these losses. The Kentucky court recently gave down the following decision which has a decided local significance: ‘A city property owner may maintain an action against a water company for the destruction of his property by fire by reason of its failure to maintain a water supply pursuant with its contract with the city.’ The franchise granted the Lawrence Water Company called for a pressure sufficient to give six streams of water 100 feet high.”
  • “The annual exhibition of paintings at the University will open Wednesday and for two weeks the pictures may be seen any afternoon and on the evenings of Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week and Sunday afternoons. The paintings to be shown this year belong to the National Arts Club and are kept at the Smithsonian Institute at Washington. It is said to be one of the finest collections of paintings that has ever been seen in the west, several of them being insured for $5,000 each…. It is going to be up to the people of Lawrence this year to show whether they really want these annual exhibits continued or not. The attendance last year was poor and this year may tell whether the exhibits will be continued or not.”
  • “A plan to have students who are members of the University Y. M. C. A. go out to the cities of the state as gospel teams, the same as the teams from Wichita under the Men and Religion movement have been doing, was proposed at the Ministerial Alliance this morning by Rev. E. E. Stauffer, pastor of the Lutheran church. The plan was heartily endorsed by the members of the alliance and it is planned to start the work soon.”