Injury or illness? Yoga can help

Many people start practicing yoga because it is an effective means of treating or managing a variety of illnesses and injuries. Yoga has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It can also reduce risk factors for certain conditions like heart disease and high blood pressure. Doing yoga regularly can make you less susceptible to injury, increase overall strength and muscle tone, and improve flexibility, balance, and range of motion.

Doing yoga regularly can make you less susceptible to injury, increase overall strength and muscle tone, and improve flexibility, balance and range of motion.

These are just the physical benefits of yoga. Many people who practice yoga notice that it also reinforces good health habits and often leads to a better mood and sense of well-being. A regular yoga practice can also help foster a more healthy relationship between yourself and your body, and between you and your loved ones.

Ready to try yoga? Good! First a precaution: If you have a serious health condition, you should consult your doctor before you start a new fitness program. Take this seriously. Quality yoga instructors will insist upon this, and will accommodate any modifications that your medical professional recommends.

Yoga done right leads to better health, but yoga done wrong can lead to injury. Avoid videos and begin your yoga journey by enrolling in a class for beginners that is taught by an experienced instructor. Not every yoga studio is interested in or equipped to work with injuries and illnesses. Make sure to speak with the instructor or the studio before attending class to inform them of your condition. They will help you find the class that is best for you.

You should always feel safe in a yoga class. A good instructor will encourage you to listen to your body and rest when necessary. You should feel welcome to ask questions during class, or request alternate poses. Skilled instructors will also show you how to use props. Props are objects, such as wooden blocks, that can assist you in achieving poses that are otherwise unattainable as a result of your injury, illness, or other physical limitation.

One of the best things about yoga is that everyone can participate, regardless of health issues, age, or current fitness level. A sequence of yoga poses done under the supervision of an experienced instructor can help you feel better physically and mentally. Good luck and enjoy your yoga journey!

Lucas Patrick Miller is a yoga instructor at Yoga Center of Lawrence.