City commission agenda for Aug. 6 meeting
Bottom line
City commissioners will clear the way for a pair of downtown events to use city streets in the next few weeks.
The Kansas State Fiddling and Picking Championships will be held Aug. 25 in South Park and also will use the part of Massachusetts Street that runs through the park. On Tuesday, commissioners are being asked to approve a permit that will allow beer to be sold on the public right-of-way during the event. The city also is being asked to approve a permit for the annual Fall Arts and Crafts Festival on Sept. 8. The event, hosted by Lawrence Parks and Recreation, will close Massachusetts Street from South Park Street to North Park Street.
Consent agenda
• Approve City Commission meeting minutes from 07/02/13, 07/09/13, 07/16/13 and 07/23/13.
• Receive minutes from various boards and commissions:
• Approve all claims.
• Approve licenses as recommended by the City Clerk’s Office.
• Approve appointments as recommended by the Mayor.
• Bid and purchase items:
a.) Award bid for two bi-fuel conversions for Parks and Recreation Department water trucks to Westport Wing in the amount of $30,658.
b.) Award City Bid No. B1343, PW1309, Sixth and George Williams Way – Traffic Signal Improvements, to J. Warren Co. Inc., in the total amount of $270,339.18 provided the contractor can meet the terms established in the contract documents; and adopt Resolution No. 7039, ordering the improvements and authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds for the improvements.
• Adopt the following ordinances on first reading:
a.) Ordinance No. 8893, to establish an ALL-WAY STOP at the intersection of Lincoln Street and North Fifth Street (approved by City Commission on 7/23/13). T
b.) Ordinance No. 8894, to establish a SPEED LIMIT of 25MPH on Lincoln Street, between North Second Street and North Seventh Street (approved by City Commission on 7/23/13).
• Receive report from Lawrence Public Library on their purchase of Automated Material Handling system as part of the library expansion project.
• Adopt Resolution No. 7037 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Deed, Bill of Sale and Termination of Lease Agreement, and to take all other actions necessary to transfer the project (Kinedyne) to the lessees under the Lease, James M. Klausmann and Jacklyn S. Klausmann, terminate all interest of the City in the project and carry out the intent of the resolution. Industrial Revenue Bonds issued by the city for the Kinedyne project have been paid in full.
• Receive request from Cromwell Solar to change the permitting process for solar energy projects; refer to Building Code Board of Appeals for review.
• Approve a Temporary Use of Public Right-of-Way Permit for the closure of Massachusetts Street between North Park Street and South Park Street on Sunday, September 8, 2013, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., for the annual Fall Arts and Crafts Festival.
• Approve vacation of easements and dedication of utility easements for Minor Subdivision, MS-13-00217, Deerfield Woods Subdivision No. 9, located at 3320 Peterson Road.
• Approve Special Event, SE-13-00276, for Fabian Seafood Co. sales at 1300 W. Sixth Street, on Aug. 21-22, Sept. 21-22, Oct. 17-18 and Nov. 16-17, 2013.
• Approve rezoning, Z-13-00199, approximately .06 acre from OS-FP (Open Space with Floodplain Management Regulations Overlay) District to RM-12-FP (Multi-Dwelling Residential with Floodplain Management Regulations Overlay) District conditioned with a maximum density of 9 dwelling units per acre, located at 3309 W. 31st St.
• Approve rezoning, Z-13-00249, approximately 13.06 acres from RM12 (Multi-Dwelling Residential) District to RM12 (Multi-Dwelling Residential) District to revise the condition related to maximum density from 6 dwelling units per acre to 9 dwelling units per acre, located at 3309 W. 31st St. Submitted by Grob Engineering Services, for Kansas District of the Wesleyan Church, property owner of record.
• Approve rezoning, Z-13-00250, approximately 6.39 acres from RM12-FP (Multi-Dwelling Residential with Floodplain Management Regulations Overlay) District to RM12-FP (Multi-Dwelling Residential with Floodplain Management Regulations Overlay) District to revise the condition related to maximum density from 6 dwelling units per acre to 9 dwelling units per acre, located at 3309 W. 31st St.
• Initiate annexation of approximately 25.81 acres located southeast of Mary’s Lake between Haskell Avenue and O’Connell Road for the construction of the extension of East 31st Street to tie into North 1300 Road east of the East 1600 Road/O’Connell Road intersection. The property owner of record is the Kansas Secretary of Transportation.
• Receive request for change to the City of Lawrence Code Chapter V, Article 15, regarding adding a specialty contractor license classification for storm shelter construction and refer to the Contractor Licensing Board for recommendations.
• Concur with Traffic Safety Commission recommendation to establish reserved parking for persons with disabilities in front of 3924-3926 Overland Drive.
• Receive request from Sunlite Science and Technology Inc. for a 50 percent property tax abatement on property at 4811 Quail Crest Place. Refer to staff for analysis and to the Public Incentives Review Committee (PIRC) for recommendation and establish Aug. 27, 2013 as a date for a public hearing on the request.
• Receive city manager’s report.
Regular agenda
• Conduct a public hearing regarding a distance limitation waiver for a temporary liquor permit for Kansas State Fiddling and Picking Championship in South Park on Sunday, Aug. 25.