40 years ago: KU not addressing hiring disparities, D.C. group says

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 24, 1972:

Kansas University was being formally charged with sex discrimination. In a letter to Secretary Elliott Richardson of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the group Women’s Equity Action League (WEAL) of Washington, D.C., said that KU had “not acted to correct disparities where they exist.” Specifically, the group asserted that in the 10 departments with average faculty salaries over $15,000, only four employed women, with a total of 8.3 positions; that only 25.6 percent of the School of Education faculty members were women, while 77.3 percent of the students were women; and that the overall female student to female faculty ratio in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences was 59.1 percent to 8.4 percent. The group was requesting an investigation by the HEW examining admission policies, hiring and promotion of faculty, and other factors.