Scouts help plant more than 300 trees along east city trail

As part of the 100th Anniversary of Boys Scouts, area Cub and Boy Scouts planted more than 300 trees and shrubs along a stretch of the Burroughs Creek Trail on Saturday.
Area troops in Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts teamed up with the Lawrence Parks and Recreation Department to plant trees Saturday along the Burroughs Creek Trail in East Lawrence.
As part of the Boy Scouts’ “Do a Good Turn Daily” program, nearly 200 scouts wrapped up their work before the afternoon, achieving an ambitious goal of planting more than 300 trees along the stretch of the trail from 11th to 19th streets.

Keenan Kelly, with Pack 3370, lends a hand with watering an Osage orange tree. Boy, Cub and Girl Scouts planted more than 250 trees and shrubs along the Burroughs Creek Trail on Saturday.
“These guys are working hard and getting it done,” said Mark Graves, senior forester with the Parks and Recreation Department.
For Eli Schneck, 13, from Troop 52, the project was an opportunity to see friends, work in the sun and learn a little about planting trees.
“I don’t really get to plant trees very often,” said Eli, a three-year veteran of the Boy Scouts.
Crystal Miles, horticulturist with the Parks and Recreation Department, said the project’s goal was to help define the trail, add some seasonal color, and improve the scenery for area residents. “It’s a great project for us and them,” she said, adding that the 364 trees planted represent about 100 tree varieties.
The trees weren’t really big yet, and the scouts were trained in the best way to keep the trees stable by layering the correct amount of mulch around the young trees.
But Eli said he’ll be patient, and he’s looking forward to seeing how the project turns out. “I’ll come back in a couple of years and see how big the trees have gotten,” he said.