Haskell Indian Nations faculty member Denise Low earns $29,400 grant from National Endowment for the Humanities
The National Endowment for the Humanities has announced grants for two Lawrence projects.
Denise Low, a faculty member at Haskell Indian Nations University, has earned $29,400 for a project that will create an online resource of ledger notebooks from 1879. The notebooks feature narrative drawings from seven Cheyenne men in a Dodge City jail.
The drawings depict a variety of topics, and the final product will be an online posting at the Plains Indian Ledger Art Project site.
The Spencer Art Museum also received a $6,000 grant to preserve 9,000 fragile items in the Spooner Collection housed at the museum.
The objects have been collected since 1890 from around the world with a focus on New World cultures. Several are made from fragile material like feathers and other organic materials, and pose serious preservation and access challenges.