Thanks, candidates

Regardless of who wins and who loses, all of the candidates in Tuesday's election deserve a vote of thanks.

As this is being written the results of Tuesday’s election for Lawrence City Commission and school board members are not known.

It’s too early to congratulate the election winners, but it seems the perfect time to thank all those who care enough about the city and its schools to be willing to run for positions on these important bodies.

The campaign itself can be both tiring and frustrating. Simply putting their names on the ballot sometimes seems to place candidates in the line of fire for people who disagree with their opinions or question their motivation for seeking office.

After spending many hours pursuing their campaign efforts, half of the candidates in Tuesday’s election will be looking forward to many more hours of service as city commissioners or school board members. The other half – in some ways the more fortunate half – will return to private activities, which may include a continued interest in city and school business.

All of the candidates, however, deserve the thanks of local residents for being willing to enter the race and represent their community. Lawrence is, indeed, fortunate to have so many concerned residents who are willing to serve.