Jenna Bush’s inaugural gesture sends mixed signals
Washington ? University of Texas graduate Jenna Bush might be getting a little lost in translation, The New York Daily News reports.
Standing onstage with her dad, President Bush, mom Laura and sister Barbara on Wednesday night at the Texas State Society’s Black Tie & Boots Ball — and again Thursday as a Texas band paraded past the presidential reviewing stand — the blond Bush twin raised her right hand high in the air, and lifted her pinkie and index fingers.
Texans recognized Jenna’s “Hook ’em horns” hand sign as a show of support for the University of Texas Longhorns.
But deaf people who use American Sign Language easily identified the sign for “bull—-.”
One of the eight official signers for the inauguration — who interpreted the president’s address on the West Front of the Capitol — confirmed the bovine expletive.
The first lady’s press secretary, Gordon Johndroe, reacted with a surprised giggle.
“Jenna was using the ‘Hook ’em horns’ sign and there were a lot of Texans in the room,” said Johndroe, himself a UT grad. “Texans have been known to B.S. every once in a while.”