Fire inspection infractions listed by location

Here are the number of fire code infractions found during inspections by Lawrence-Douglas County Fire & Medical at each school in the Lawrence school district:

West Junior High School, 24

Kennedy School, 12

New York School, 10

Woodlawn School, 10

South Junior High School, nine

Lawrence High School, eight

Hillcrest School, eight

Central Junior High School, seven

Prairie Park School, seven

Lawrence Alternative High School, seven

Quail Run School, six

Cordley School, three

Sunset Hill School, three

East Heights School, two

Pinckney School, two

Schwegler School, one

Riverside School, one

Langston Hughes School, one

Deerfield School, one

Southwest Junior High School, one

Sunflower School, none

Centennial School, none

Broken Arrow School, none

Free State High School, none