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Garden Variety: Butterflies and moths add grace and color near season’s end

By August in Kansas, gardens are a little less enchanting than they were in the spring for many gardeners. Plants show the stress of summer’s heat, the war on weeds seems never-ending, and leaves are blemished from insect feeding and leaf-spot diseases. Late summer flowers are in full bloom ...

Garden Variety: Create a cutting garden for flower arrangements

Fresh flowers can brighten indoor spaces as well as landscapes and gardens, and arrangements of them offer opportunities to mix colors and textures in unique ways. For gardeners and others who especially enjoy bouquets, consider creating a cutting garden — a devoted garden space for flowers ...

Garden Variety: How to attract orioles to your yard

Orioles are brightly colored birds that migrate through Kansas each spring and fall and sometimes stay for the summer. Enthusiasts enjoy watching them at feeders and hearing their sweet songs and anxiously await the spring migration each year. In the Lawrence area, oriole migration usually ...