
Screenings and steps men should take to stay healthy

When you think of men’s health, what comes to mind? “You’ll get different answers from different people,” said Dr. Jon Heeb, a urologist with Lawrence Urology Specialists. “Most men would probably say that men’s health is about erections, prostate and testosterone, which are ...

Father and daughter doctor duo care for ER patients at LMH

More than 2,000 employees work together at LMH Health to care for our patients and community. If you’ve been a patient in the Emergency Department, there’s a chance that you’ve been seen by Dr. Paul Loney or Dr. Adelle McMahon. What you might not know is that they’re a father-daughter ...

Staying safe in the water and in the heat this summer

Summer is just around the corner! Many of us will enjoy days filled with outdoor activities and taking trips to the pool or lake. While you’re having fun with family and friends, put safety first when it comes to spending time in water and the sun. Stay cool and beat the heat It’s ...

Learn about mental health resources and signs of a crisis

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 1 in 5 adults in the United States experience a mental health disorder. Many people suffer in silence due to the stigma that exists about mental health, but communities and community hospitals like LMH Health are making strides to eliminate ...

LMH Health’s facilities celebrate the healing power of art

The next time you walk in LMH Health’s West Campus on Rock Chalk Drive, take a moment to soak in the healing power of art. “When we were preparing to open the West Campus in 2020, we wanted to feature the work of local artists,” said Darren Moore, digital content and brand manager for ...

Nurses at LMH Health share why they joined the profession

Every nurse has a different reason for joining the profession. The reasons run the gamut, but one thing holds true — nurses are an integral part of your health care team. Here are four of the nurses at LMH Health and why they each felt called to nursing. • • • It’s a moment in ...