Roman Guthrie Combs

Roman Gutrhrie Combs
Roman Guthrie Combs was born on June 26, 2019 to his very proud parents, Tyson and Carrie Combs at LMH Health. He weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and was 21 in long. His maternal grandparents are Jeff and Jenn Burkhead, Lawrence; Jeannie and Mark Gross, Bullhead City, AZ. Paternal grandparents are Craig and Stephanie Combs, Herington, KS. Great-grandparents are Carl and Joyce Burkhead, Lawrence; Galen and Verna Krantz, Motley, MN; Paul and Joye Cohan and the late Raymond and Faye Combs, Herington, KS. Roman is definitely surrounded by lots of love!!!