WRITER: Mackenzie Clark

Healthy Outlook: How I cut my cholesterol by 62 points in 1 year

Picture it: Lawrence, February 2017. I’m going about my day when suddenly I get a voicemail about my blood panel results. My total cholesterol is “a little elevated,” the message says — nothing my doctor is “really concerned about at this time.” But that number was 235, and the cutoff between “borderline” and “high” is 239, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Terror ...

Healthy Outlook: I went a week without caffeine; here’s what happened

Sometimes in this journey toward a healthier, happier lifestyle, I just don’t know who I am anymore. It started by accident, really, and I certainly hadn’t intended to write about it. Yet suddenly last week, I realized I had gone 24 hours with no caffeine. As 24 became 48 and 72, I started to become intrigued. Could I go a whole week? Would I survive?It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that, yes, ...

Heartland Community Health Center suspends CEO pending review of business records

The board of directors of Heartland Community Health Center voted Wednesday to suspend CEO Jon Stewart without pay while an accounting firm reviews the organization's finances, according to the board president and a news release from the organization. The board appointed current Chief Operating Officer Alexandra Nicholson as interim CEO, according to the news release. James Pavisian, president of Heartland's ...

Healthy Outlook: Some family-friendly, super healthy alternatives to green beer

There’s a holiday coming up this weekend that this town takes pretty seriously. At least for the 21-and-older crowd, St. Patrick’s Day is a time to celebrate … well, drinking, mostly. And with that often comes a fun tradition: green beer. But hey, Lawrence — you know what’s even more fun than green beer? Green smoothies. Yes, I hear your sighs, and I know your eyes are rolling. Bear with me, though — ...

Healthy Outlook: Silencing ‘the voice’ — Lawrence teen shares her battle with anorexia

“Why are you betraying me? Why aren't you listening?” the voice shouts. “We went so long doing this together, and we’re so strong.”The voice inside Zoe Prather’s head gets loudest as she begins the refeeding process. It is angry that she’s undoing what anorexia has done to her body. Prather, 18, of Lawrence, said once you’ve had an eating disorder with you for so long, it becomes like your ...

Healthy Outlook: My DNA says I’m coded for fitness failure

The scientific debate of nature versus nurture is endlessly fascinating: How many of our physical and mental traits and behaviors are determined by our genes and how many by our environment?I’m not a scientist, and I can’t offer any grand conclusions. I can say, though, that learning a bit about my own genetic code has altered the way I’m thinking about some health and fitness factors in my life.I took a ...