WRITER: Rochelle Valverde

Committee discuses revisions to proposed school boundary changes; it says no Deerfield students should go to Woodlawn, more Pinckney students should go to Hillcrest

Revised plans for potential boundary changes related to school closures in Lawrence call for dividing Broken Arrow students among four schools instead of five, nixing a plan to send some Deerfield students to Woodlawn, and sending more Pinckney students to Hillcrest instead of Deerfield. The committee working on the revisions will continue to refine its recommendation at its next meeting. The Boundary Advisory ...

Lawrence City Commission denies infill duplex development for Fall Creek Farms, citing concerns about impact on creek

Citing concerns about the impact on a nearby creek, city leaders have denied plans to develop duplexes on an approximately 8-acre site between the Fall Creek Farms subdivision and the western edge of the Deerfield neighborhood. As part of its meeting Tuesday, the Lawrence City Commission voted 3-2, with Vice Mayor Bart Littlejohn and Commissioner Brad Finkeldei opposed, to deny the preliminary development plan ...

Board president suggests future school expansions be considered as part of boundary changes, others suggest more choice for parents

On the heels of the school board approving two elementary school closures, Board President Shannon Kimball brought up the possibility of expanding some of the remaining elementary schools as those buildings approach their capacities in the coming years. The Lawrence school board began its consideration of the boundary shifts recommended by the Boundary Advisory Committee to accommodate the closures of Broken ...

Lawrence Community Shelter seeing dozens use new overnight-only beds, but some still choose to camp

When it comes to choosing between sleeping outside in a tent or taking one of the recently added overnight-only beds at the Lawrence Community Shelter, the choice is a complicated one for some. A shelter leader said they are seeing more people use the overnight beds, but recognized that barriers still exist. The City of Lawrence and the shelter announced in early March that the shelter would soon expand to ...

Lawrence school board to consider boundary changes associated with closure of Broken Arrow and Pinckney

Lawrence school district leaders will soon consider boundary changes associated with the recently approved closures of Broken Arrow and Pinckney elementary schools. As part of its meeting Monday, the Lawrence school board will consider the boundary shifts recommended by the Boundary Advisory Committee. The recommended boundary changes will distribute current Broken Arrow students among five schools: Cordley, ...

Lawrence City Commission to consider infill duplex development for Fall Creek Farms; several neighbors oppose project

City leaders will soon consider plans to develop duplexes on an approximately 8-acre site between the Fall Creek Farms subdivision and the western edge of the Deerfield neighborhood, a plan some neighbors have come out against. As part of its meeting Tuesday, the Lawrence City Commission will consider the preliminary development plan for Fall Creek Villas, which would be located on a parcel of undeveloped land ...