Updated at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, March 4, 2023
They may be a pair of 80-foot signs proclaiming “Kansas City,” but make no mistake, there’s a lot of Lawrence in them.
Both the entrance and exit signs to the new $1.5 billion Kansas City International Airport were actually made in East Lawrence.
“You can’t miss them,” Shelley Rosdahl, vice president with Lawrence-based Star Signs, said of the ...
There is a new trailer at the city-operated North Lawrence campsite for the homeless, and it has created an old question about the level of services the city is providing the homeless there.
The new trailer is heated and provides a space to get out of the elements, but the trailer isn’t designed as a place of respite for the residents of the camp. Instead, it is a portable office for city employees and Bert ...
A changing skyline and changing demographics may soon be on tap for the south end of downtown Lawrence.
Developer Tony Krsnich said he should know by late summer whether he has won affordable housing tax credits from the state that will allow him to build a new multistory commercial and apartment project near the northeast corner of 11th and New Hampshire streets.
If he does win the credits, expect a new ...
A plan to turn an old Quonset hut in East Lawrence into a taco restaurant surrounded by everything from pickleball to outdoor films is moving ahead, but now is seeking financial incentives from City Hall.
Tony Krsnich — the entrepreneur who developed much of the Warehouse Arts District — said that he filed a request for financial incentives that include a 95% property tax rebate for the development, which ...
The University of Kansas has an entire center devoted to sustainability, and multiple academic programs related to environmental stewardship.
What the university doesn’t have anymore is a comprehensive recycling program for two of its busiest locations — student unions and the dining centers that serve residence halls.
KU officials confirmed this week that they have suspended recycling operations at the ...
Megan McCune has a philosophy about parties.
“I don’t care if you are 2 or 200, everybody loves balloons,” said McCune, manager of the relatively new downtown gift boutique Love of Character. “When you see balloons, you know you are in for a good time.”
In fairness, when a 200-year-old sees a balloon, they may just be looking to steal oxygen any way they can. But, the point about balloons is still ...