What is Your Vote for Favorite Local Deal?

Every week we talk about coupons and deals, how to save money, and occassionally we take some flack for not focusing on local businesses. Julie and I scour the ads that everyone gets in the paper and then we share what we find to be the most interesting…or the best deals. Where this leaves us short is that we don’t get to see, as much of the public doesn’t get to see, what some of our local businesses are doing to help their clients save money.

For example: My dentist is Dr. Marvin Heinbach. I have a completely irrational fear of going to the dentist. I am CERTAIN that he and his staff cringe when they see my name on the schedule. HOWEVER, they are more than kind and understanding when I arrive. The staff is great with me and with my kids…and Dr. Heinbach is certain to call us by name when he sees us outside of the office. GREAT customer service…and for the first time since I graduated high school (I’ll leave the exact dates out to protect the innocent)…I’ve maintained a regular schedule of dental care.

All good, right? But what does that have to do with saving money? Dental care is EXPENSIVE! Did you know that Dr. Heinbach and his partner, Dr. Hay have not raised their prices even once in the past two years…depsite their own rising costs to provide their services? They can’t very well offer a coupon (even I am not sure I’d see a dentist with a coupon!)…but they know times are tight for everyone and have chosen this way to help the community out.

This is MY experience with a local business….now I want to know YOURS. Email me at superjennblogs@gmail.com and tell me about a local business that has gone out of their way to help you save money while providing excellent customer service…. I will go through the emails and compile a list to share with everyone two weeks from now.

There are a couple of guidelines:
*Businesses cannot email me themselves. No self promotion! I want to hear from consumers about their experiences!
*If you email me…you MUST leave your name and contact information. You must also agree to let me publish your name with your comments.
*Comments shared must be about LOCAL businesses.

I look forward to hearing from many of you…and hearing what our community has to offer!!