Did you know that the picture above was taken when I was 8 months pregnant with my youngest son...who turns three in just a few weeks? It was then, three years ago, I wrote my first post for Shop Talk.
Today I am writing my last.
Julie, my Shop Talk partner, has embarked on her own ...
The beginning of school is only another week away. Then we'll learn who our teachers are for the year and what classroom the kids will be in. At home, we've begun our "school routine" to get everyone back on a schedule that is more in tune with the rhythm of school days.
In the house, I've ...
I remember "Back to School" shopping with my mom when I was younger. It was a big deal: the new supplies, the new clothes, all leading up to that first day of school.
What I don't remember was if "Back to School" was as big of an industry as it is now. I was too young and oblivious to ...
This week we traveled to Northeast Nebraska for my high school class reunion. It was great to visit with old friends and to show my family the town that I grew up in. We drove, of course, and I enjoyed the familiar landscapes....the rolling hills in this part of Nebraska are amazing, I had no ...
Want to know one of the biggest "deals" of the summer?
Fresh produce.
Plain and simple, buying produce in season and freezing or canning it is one of the best ways to save yourself money in the long run. With the Farmer's Market, roadside stands and even the produce at the grocery ...
During the hot summer days everyone does their best to stay out of the kitchen. It's just too hot. Like everyone else we've been grilling: chicken, vegetables, venison and pork. I've even been grilling pizza. In order to keep with our plan to eat from our pantry and freezer as much as ...