Fort Leavenworth analyst: Iran embedded in Iraqi civil war

Here are recent headlines about the military in Kansas:Fort Leavenworth(New York Sun) Debate Erupts Among Spy Services Over Iran’s Role in Battle of Iraq: Iran’s intentions in Iraq were explored in a paper released this month by a former Army translator and current analyst for the Fort Leavenworth, Kan.-based Foreign Military Studies Office, a U.S. Army branch that works largely with open source material for analysis of foreign militaries. In the paper, ” Iran’s Contribution to the Civil War in Iraq,” Mounir Elkhamri says Iran’s Quds Force has worked to create a rump Shiite state in southern Iraq since shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001, and that the Shiite militias killing Sunni civilians in Iraq are working at the behest of Iranian intelligence and Revolutionary Guard. Documents captured from Saddam Hussein’s intelligence service show ” Iran’s deep penetration in Iraqi society and institutions. Iran clandestinely supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq and took measures to turn it to her advantage,” Mr. Elkhamri writes in the paper, published by a Washington-based national security think tank that includes both Democrats and Republicans on its board, the Jamestown Foundation.Fort Riley(AP) Fort Riley brigade says goodbye for year in Iraq: Two days after President Bush pleaded with Congress to give his strategy in Iraq a chance, a brigade from this post that will be part of the second wave of Bush’s planned increase in troops said goodbye Thursday to its families. In the coming days, 3,400 soldiers from the 1st Infantry Divisions’ 4th Brigade will board planes and head to Iraq, where they will be thrust into the fight to quell escalating violence in Baghdad. About 35 percent of the brigade’s soldiers are making what is at least their second trip to Iraq.