LJWorld.com Labs

IE 6 user? Tell us your story

Do you use IE 6 as your primary browser when coming to LJWorld.com? We'd like to hear from you in the comments below whether you're able to upgrade your IE 6 browser or not. IE 6 is very long in the tooth now, and there's a wide range of modern browsers on the market, including IE 8, that ...

Join us in evaluating our commenter use agreement

What with our Millionth Comment Countdown™ in full swing, we thought it a good opportunity to review our current Use Policy Agreement. Not that we're necessarily going to be allowing what we currently disallow in comments, but we'd like to get your ideas and feedback on our rules of the ...

On comments: To thread or not to thread?

In the excellent discussion concerning comments, a number of folks brought up the idea of threading comments. That's certainly one of the possibilities we're thinking about, and we'd like to focus some thinking on the pros and cons of implementing it. On the pro side, threaded comments -- ...

(Fixed) About that problem staying logged in

UPDATE: We tracked down the problem and have rolled out a fix. If you still have problems with staying logged in, please let us know. We've noticed — and some of you have told us — that you're having problems staying logged into LJWorld.com. We're tracking down the problem and hope to ...

Beta search open for feedback: Seek and (we hope) you shall find

Originally posted Friday, July 24. Updated and reposted July 27, 2009. Yay. We're rolling out a new search framework for LJWorld.com, and we invite you to take it for a spin and give us your thoughts. Let us know how it works for you; what you like; what you don't: anything, really, ...

Upgrading LJWorld.com comments: Your thoughts?

We're getting ready to have our internet elves begin thinking about changes / upgrades to the comments framework on LJWorld.com and our other sites. Before we get very far along, though, we'd like to hear from you, dear users, on what you'd like to see — features, layout and design, pain ...