When you’re driving in fog, you need to be prepared

Weather Watch ...from the A.M.

Driving in fog can be very dangerous. Sometimes fog can become so dense, you can barely see what is right in front of you.

The following image shows three pictures taken this morning from our Capitol Federal Skycam in Topeka; the camera is set on the same view for each picture.

In the picture on the top left, the visibility is already reduced, but you can still see most of the buildings. In the picture on the bottom left, the buildings in the distance are beginning to fade. Finally, in the picture on the bottom right, you can not see what is right in front of you!

Morning Fog

These images came from a camera; however this is similar to what the conditions would be like on the road. This morning I could not make out the traffic light that is less than a quarter of a mile down my road. There were also sections on the highway where I couldn’t see the exit ramp until I was on top of it.

Driving in the fog can be very dangerous, especially if you don’t take the proper precautions. Here is an article that includes pointers on how to drive safely in the fog. If you still don’t believe driving in the fog can be dangerous, check out this article.

The article not only includes driving tips, it also includes information and pictures of 50, 70 and 200-car pile-up accidents due to dense fog.