Cape Verde-type Hurricanes

We’ve been talking about Gustav for over a week now, but there are several other named storms churning in the open ocean waters of the Atlantic. The next one we’ll be watching is Hanna. She’s currently a Tropical Storm. She has been meandering near Haiti and the Dominican Republic for several day. After that Ike is out over the open waters of the Atlantic. He has recently been upgraded to a Hurricane, Catagory 1. Then there is Josephine, a Tropical Storm out near the Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa. And there is also a Tropical Depression, Karina, that is being monitored by the National Hurricane Center.When you look at them on a map (click here), they all line up, almost in a perfect straight line across the Atlantic. This is not an unusual feature, during an active hurricane season. Hurricane’s so typically begin to form off the coast of Africa near Cape Verde, that they are named “Cape Verde-type Hurricanes”. Hurricanes develop in this region as a result of the global wind pattern, during the late summer months in the northern hemisphere. A few examples of Cape Verde-type hurricanes: Hurricane Hugo 1989 Hurricane Andrew 1992 Hurricane Isabel 2003 Hurricane Bertha 2008