Downtown Lawrence is goal in Norman, Okla.

¢ Becoming more like Lawrence’s downtown was cited as a goal recent mayoral forum in Norman, Okla., according to the Norman Transcript._”f you’ve been to Lawrence, Kansas, it’s a lovely place. It’s a university community. It’s a vital downtown, lots of great stores and shops … a walkable, lovely city,” (Mayoral candidate Cindy) Rosenthal said. “Fort Collins, Colo., is doing a terrific job at managing stormwater.”_¢ Songwriter Annie Stela cited Lawrence as a place she enjoys being during an interview with Harp Magazine._I kind of romanticize and dramatize stuff from my own life and watching people walk on the street, or being in a small town like Lawrence, Kan. or Norman, Okla. That was so great for me on tour, because it allowed me to step out of myself and watch other people. I hate to say it, but as a songwriter I can be relatively self-absorbed, so it’s nice to get outside of yourself and watch these people and these little slices of life._