The Boys of Summer

A couple of weeks ago, some handsome, blonde, curly-haired boys from Wisconsin (more formally known as The Muddy Udders) called me up asking for some help in setting up a show in Lawrence. They are currently on tour, and couldn’t do it without stopping in Lawrence. I have no experience whatsoever in booking a show, but it was pretty obvious that two weeks notice is not going to fly at most venues.

I called around and found that to be true. Booking a show in Lawrence isn’t difficult. In fact, the venues I talked to were pretty laid back and awesome. But two weeks is pretty short notice.

The band was pretty laid back too, so they suggested a free show. Solidarity to the Rescue!

Say what you will about Solidarity, but those kids are super polite. They’ve never backtalked me, or given me the cold, snobby shoulder. And they were willing to set up a show at their store with about 6 days notice. Kudos to you, Solidarity.

The show was awesome, and so was the crowd.

And the music? Rockin.

I only knew one person in the band, but was unfamiliar with their music. But as you can tell, they are full of life and energy (and pretty sassy, too [always with the jokes!]), exactly what was needed on a slow, hot Summer’s evening.

It was pretty nice to get out of the sticky weather for a good, solid rock show (which I had needed after a weekend that consisted of a bad show in Chicago, followed by a 10 hour bus ride without air conditioning). Even though several punks and hipsters were crammed into the small space that is Solidarity, it was nice and cool.

I’m going to be beating the heat via rock shows a lot this Summer. This was the start of it. Hopefully I won’t have to scramble to book any more shows, since I have no experience whatsoever in that department. But I have a feeling that in Lawrence, it’ll be pretty chill (pun intended).