No! Dont’ Leave! Isn’t Lawrence great?!

On Thursday, we took a couple of good friends out to dinner one last time. They’re leaving Lawrence (forever!) next week, so this was a goodbye dinner. And because I am sneaky and conniving, I (as I always do when friends leave) tried to rub in the “see what you’re missing?! Lawrence is great!” angle during their last few days in town.

I didn’t have to try very hard, look what we stumbled upon at 9th and New Hampshire.

That’s the Downtown Lawrence Film Festival. They do this every other Thursday in the Summer in Lawrence. Each night starts with live music and some fun activities, followed by an outdoor film at sunset. We’re talking classic films here, folks. Good stuff.

On this particular night, Three Bean Salad provided the musical entertainment. Hooray!

Good music to bounce around in the grass to. Our friends were impressed. Although we didn’t get to stay for the movie (oops!), we still had fun listening to the music, petting people’s dogs as they passed through, and watching the children play in the grass.

The whole evening was filled with fun Lawrence stories. We revealed Lawrence’s little treasures, and spoke of Lawrence legends throughout the night. And they even filled us in on some Lawrence tidbits we hadn’t heard of before.

I hope our friends leave Lawrence on a good note. I suspect they will.