Photo gallery: Selected works from ‘The New Old San Antonio: Little Big Town’

Photos of the pieces that will be on display at ‘The New Old San Antonio: Little Big Town’ exhibit at the Lawrence Arts Center, 940 N.H. The exhibit is compiled of pieces from more than 30 San Antonio artists, many of which will visit Lawrence on April’s Final Friday.

Unknown name by Victoria Campbell

"Dreamland Substructure" by Russell Stephenson

"Hearttablescape" by Rolando Briseno

"Golden Corn" by Pedro Lujan

"Triumphant" by Mark Gelatt

"Bathing Suit" by Marilyn Lanfear

"Parallel Orange" by Larry Graeber

"Tex-honkeytonks" by Kyle Martin

Installation piece by Kyle Martin

"7" By Kevin Krayons

"Heed Forbearing Grey" by Jung Hee Mun

A still from Jimmy Kuehnle's performance, "Make it Look Rich." Kuehnle's actually tucked somewhere inside that massive inflatable piece.

Still from Jimmy James' performance piece "The Maria Experiment."

"Nature/Nurture" by Jayne Lawrence

"Asi Es La Vida" by Fernando Andrade

Unknown by Danville Chadbourne

"Arana" by Arturo Almeida

Name unknown by Ansen Seale

"Thisnextclue" by Aaron Hans Forland

In the Mirror of your "I." by Angel Rodriguez-Diaz

"The Hood" by Ethel Shipton

"The Gun Show" by David Almaguer

"Serious Inquiries Only" by David Alcantar

"Insatiable Presence" by Danville Chadbourne

"Gateway" by Bill Fitzgibbons