How do you feel about high schools drug testing students who participate in extracurricular activities?

Asked at Dillons on Massachusetts Street on January 11, 2016

“I think it's ridiculous. I think a lot of kids in high school do drugs, and extracurriculars are one of the things that can help deter it. To drug test them and prevent them from doing it is asinine. People are going to do drugs regardless — they're more likely to drop out of sports to do drugs than to give up drugs to do sports.”

“I feel like it should definitely be done, specifically for high school sports and for illegal substances. They're trying to keep the games safe.”

“I think they should allow testing because it causes students, teacher and coaches to be accountable. If students will be tested, there's more pressure for them to be drug free, and for coaches to push them to stay drug free.”

“I think it’s good. They go outside of school walls and represent the school, and if they are caught with drugs in their system, it could reflect badly on the school.”