How do you think declining population in western Kansas will affect the rest of the state?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on May 30, 2012

“It’ll continue — people moving out of rural areas because they’ll continue to have a hard time getting services. It becomes nice to visit, but I could never see myself moving out there. There’s just no opportunity.”

“Urban expansion is growing at an alarming rate — small towns are getting smaller and smaller. Areas like Kansas City and Lawrence will grow.”

“It affects the region because the land is losing the family farm and family ranch. It’s environmentally better to have a better land-to-family ratio. People who run commercial operations don’t care if they pollute the land because they don’t live there. That affects us all because we lose the land —we may drive through, but never stop at those small towns to enjoy dinner or something like that because the area stinks of commercial meat production.”

““It affects the aquifers if family farms are replaced by big-time operations that suck up water, making it harder for the family farms that are left. If they don’t depend on the aquifer, they may not care what shape it’s in.”